May is for Food Allergy Awareness

May is for Food Allergy Awareness

Every May the food allergy community combines efforts to educate and inform the world surrounding them about the seriousness of food allergies. The main goal is to improve public understanding of this potentially life-threatening medical condition. With increased awareness, we can encourage respect, promote safety, and improve the quality of life of people affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Awareness Around The World

USA: Food Allergy Awareness Week is May 8-14
Hosted by FARE
2016 Theme: “Food Allergies: React with Respect”

USA: May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
Hosted by AAFA
Peak season for asthma and allergy sufferers is the perfect time to educate others about these diseases.

Canada: May is Food Allergy Awareness Month
Hosted by Food Allergy Canada
Food Allergy Awareness month began with the launch of the “Today I Need” campaign

Australia: Food Allergy Week is May 15-21
Hosted by Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
1in10 #allergyaware campaign uses painted nails to highlight the ratio of kids born with food allergies

United Kingdom: Allergy Awareness Week is April 25-May 1

Events and Resources

This is a great time to get involved and connect with people living with food allergies near you. Check your local food allergy support organizations to see if there are any local events, walks or fundraisers that are planned.

You can make a huge impact in food allergy awareness and help keep people safe by simply putting up a poster explaining food allergies. Many resources and posters are available for download to help spread food allergy awareness.

Kyle Dine, a food allergy musician, entertainer and educator, kicked off Food Allergy Awareness Month by releasing new allergy awareness posters that are free for download.


Teal Lighted Landmarks

If you look up at a landmark building during Food Allergy Awareness Week, you may find it lit up teal. That’s because Turn it Teal’s mission is to light as many sites as possible during Food Allergy Awareness Week, May 8-14 this year. You can see all of the confirmed teal lightings on

Niagara-Falls-TealNiagara Falls in Teal for Food Allergy Awareness in May 2015. Niagara Falls and the Peace Bridge are scheduled to be Teal on Friday, May 13, 2016.