A restaurant charged her $1 extra because of her peanut and soy allergy

A restaurant charged her $1 extra because of her peanut and soy allergy

Lidia Croteau, from Quebec, Canada decided to take a stand against a deplorable policy with regards to the people who have food allergies. For all those people that she loves with food allergies, she hopes that her voice will be heard and that it will make a difference.

She is planning to file a complaint against a Laval, Quebec restaurant that charged her a dollar more because she warned the waiter she was allergic to peanuts and soy.

The owner of the Ottavio restaurant believes it’s normal practice since the additional dollar guarantees that the dish does not contain allergens.

The 31 year old woman, Lidia Croteau, contacted the Human Rights Commission as she feels this policy discrimates against people with food allergies.

“It’s insulting and unfair. Do we demand $5 more to people in wheelchairs because it blocks a place in the restaurant or because the automatic door that allows them to enter was very expensive?” Lidia Croteau shared with Le Journal de Montreal.

Source: Journal de Montreal (full story in French)