Peanut Oral Immunotherapy Update

Peanut Oral Immunotherapy Update


It’s time for another Peanut Oral Immunotherapy Update!

We recently went for our six month oral immunotherapy checkup at Boston Children’s Hospital. J has been doing pretty well with his doses. We currently dose 1-2 times a week, once a day in the evening. He still hates to eat peanut so I am continuing to fill capsules with peanut flour. I’ve even taken to coating the caps in confectionery sugar to take away the taste of the actual capsules. He’s one sensitive boy!

We were unable to do a skin prick test at this visit but did do a blood draw and recently received the results.

Drum roll…..

J’s total IgE is 181 and his peanut came back at 7.64.

Our last visit was 2/19/2014 where his total IgE was 190 and his peanut was 9.72.

What’s interesting is that the 5/22/2013 visit had his total IgE at 138 and his peanut at 11.6.

I’ve been told it’s common for the peanut numbers to come down but for the total IgE to go up, but that it eventually comes back down.

The good news is that his results are continuing to decline. Even better is that we’ve been dosing once to twice a week rather than daily or every other day. He’s still able to tolerate the dose without reaction and we’re hoping that we can eventually go to every other week and then once a month. Only time will tell.

If you have any questions regarding our experience with OIT, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below.

You may also be interested in our back story: Oral Immunotherapy Information – OIT