Natural Products Expo East Comes to Boston

One of the wonderful benefits of living in Massachusetts are the many expos that come to the great city of Boston.

This week the Natural Products Expo East is in town and promises to be a great event.

From September 23rd through September 26th hundreds of companies that cater to those looking for Natural Products will be at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

Many of these companies also cater to the allergy community in one way or another. Whether it be a gluten free product or allergy friendly company; Best Allergy Sites will be there to try products, ask questions, and get the scoop on the latest and greatest in the Natural Products World. I’ll also be there to meet some of my fellow allergy friends.

So if you own a business and will be there let me know your booth number, and if you plan on attending and walking the floor-I’d love to meet you!

The expo is a private trade show and not open to the general public, however those with certain businesses may be able to attend. Visit the website for more information:

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