Grocery Savings Tips

Grocery Savings Tips

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With the high cost of gluten free and allergy friendly foods, we have some grocery savings tips that are sure to keep great food in your pantry and more money in your wallet.

Social Networking
Check out your favorite brands on twitter and facebook. Many companies will send you a link to a coupon if you “like” them on facebook. Others will offer special online deals via twitter.

Write a Letter
Companies like to know what they are doing right and that you are a happy customer. Email or send a letter to your favorite food brands and in return you will likely receive coupons via mail or email.

Buy on Sale
Even specialty foods go on sale from time to time. A food item may be near it’s expiration date or the grocery store may need to clear the shelf for another item. When this happens, buy more items than usual and freeze. Cookies, breads and other foods freeze well.

Make Your Own Mixes
Specialty mixes can be expensive. Buy dry ingredients in bulk and spend an afternoon making bags of your own mixes. This works for breads, cookies, cakes and more. You can find numerous recipes online.

These are just a few grocery savings tips to get you started. Keep an eye on our money page from more great deals and saving ideas.