Food Allergy & Gluten Free Blog Carnival FAQ

When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, we post the company's announcement as a public service. We do not endorse either the product or the company.

Welcome to the Best Allergy Sites Blog Carnival!
This carnival is for the allergy community to post relevant news, articles, recipes, tips, sales, product reviews and any other information as it pertains to those living with asthma, allergies and celiac disease.

What is a blog carnival?
In short, a blog carnival is a list of blog posts with links to the websites or blogs where they were originally published.

Some things you should know:
Carnival is run and hosted by Best Allergy Sites
Carnival deadline is the last Sunday of each month
Carnival submissions will be posted the final day/date of the month
Submissions must be original
Sales, new product announcements and other news are accepted
Spam or questionable submissions/product mentions will not be included

Why participate in this blog carnival:
Best Allergy Sites often receives multiple emails a day regarding upcoming support group meetings, new product releases, link exchanges or guest posting* opportunities. This blog carnival is a chance for those in the allergy and celiac community to post the information they want to share on their own blogs and be linked to and receive traffic from Best Allergy Sites.

(*If you are interested in submitting a guest post, story, recipe or article to be “featured” on Best Allergy Sites, please email ruth (at) bestallergysites (dot) com with your idea. Submissions must be your own but you retain all rights to your work.)

To submit your Blog Carnival Post visit:

Blog Carnival submissions will be posted at:

Blog Carnival Clarification:
The Best Allergy Sites Blog Carnival is not to be confused with the Living With Food Allergies Blog Carnival run by my good friend Jennifer B over at Food Allergy Buzz.