Nut Free Wok

Nut Free Wok

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Featured Allergy Blog: Nut Free Wok

Name of Author: Sharon Wong, M.Ed.

Author Bio:

I am a mom, food allergy advocate, and educator. I was a teacher for many years until my husband and I started our family, and I have been a stay at home mom. Our family has been living with food allergies which was limiting and scary back in 2006 but we have learned that with some planning and preparation, we can have a happy life that includes Asian foods and travel.

What inspired you to start your blog?

Friends have encouraged me to start a blog about living life with food allergies for many years and my children asked me to write a cookbook for them to take with them to college someday. I spent many years devoting my full attention to my children’s health, education, and social life but kept my friends’ suggestions and my sons’ requests in mind.

The idea for Nut Free Wok came to me during a session at the very first Food Allergy Bloggers Conference in 2013 as I realized that there is a great desire for Allergy Aware Asian Fare and that it was time to share my experiences. I am thrilled and energized by stories from readers about how they feel equipped to enjoy Asian foods, advocate for their children, and live with just a little more hope and freedom because of the information that I share.

What is your most memorable allergy experience?

Unfortunately I think the most memorable allergy experiences are etched in our minds for good reason, right? The memory of my son having an epi-worthy reaction to minute traces of peanut still makes me feel choked up and teary-eyed but it’s the reason I am passionate about supporting all efforts that lead to a cure for food allergies as well as spreading food allergy awareness to save lives in the meantime. In addition to sharing allergy aware Asian recipes, I also blog about my son’s experience in a peanut patch clinical trial at Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research and my support for legislation to require California schools to stock epinephrine auto-injectors which became a law in 2014.