Help Warn Consumers with Food Allergies when Companies Change Ingredients in Familiar products.

When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, we post the company's announcement as a public service. We do not endorse either the product or the company.

The FDA is considering a petition that I filed which would establish a regulation that would require food companies to display the advisory statement “Ingredient Information Has Changed” on the front panel of any packaged food when one or more of the 8 major allergy causing ingredients has been added to a product which previously did not contain them. Information this important needs to be on the front  panel of packaged food. 


This is not and invitation to stop reading labels. Remember, read the label every time. It is just an added layer of protection against the one time you may forget to check a familiar product that has change without notice. Especially for people who are new to dealing with allergies.


We need the support of all those in the allergy community and allies. This petition is open for comment from the general public and we encourage all to leave comments, as this has an impact on the FDA’s decision. Please pass this information onto others. The docket number is (FDA-2010-P-0578-0001). Go to and enter the docket number in the Enter Keyword or ID: search field. You may also go to!searchResults;rpp=10;so=DESC;sb=postedDate;po=0;s=FDA-2010-P-0578-0001 and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the full  petition and make a comment.


If you have any questions contact me at

By: Dwayne Ratleff