Asthma Allergies Children: a parent’s guide

Asthma Allergies Children: a parent’s guide

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“Asthma Allergies Children: a parent’s guide” is a new book and website dedicated to offering information and support to parents of food allergic children.

Written by Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Dr. Larry Chiaramonte and Henry Ehrlich, the book offers up to date information and research that is easy to read and follow. There is an introduction to allergies; as well as chapters on asthma, food allergies, skin allergies, immunotherapy and many others.

One of our favorite chapters is chapter 2, “When Cells Attack: The Mechanics of Allergy”. Filled with interesting illustrations and a clear explanation of how an allergic reaction happens; it is certainly information every food allergic parent should have.

Interspersed with real life stories, Asthma Allergies Children is a book written by allergists for parents. The companion website is a wonderful addition offering current articles by both Dr. Paul Ehrlich and Dr. Larry Chiaramonte as well as a Physician Mailbag section where readers can ask their own questions.

While one should always follow the advice of their own physician, Asthma Allergies Children offers up current information and real advice from two board-certified pediatric allergists. It is a must read for any parent of a food allergic child.

To get an inside look at the book, read more reviews or to purchase,
click on Asthma Allergies Children: A Parent’s Guide.