Happy New Year Food Allergy Friends

Happy New Year Food Allergy Friends


Happy New Year Food Allergy Friends!

It’s hard to believe it’s 2015, but alas it is. I started Best Allergy Sites in 2009 when my food allergic son was just 5-6 years old. A lot has happened here and in the food allergy community since then. Here are some updates:

Then: My son was allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, sesame, and soy.

Now: My son is allergic to tree nuts.

Then: There were very few food allergy related websites and blogs.

Now: There are thousands of awesome food allergy related websites and blogs run by some AMAZING people.

Then: There were very few allergy friendly restaurants, bakeries, and foods.

Now: There are more and more places and foods that are food allergy friendly.

Those are just a few of the highlights from the last 6 years.

While my boys have gotten older and my life has gotten busier. It’s become increasingly difficult to maintain a busy household, work on my personal writing and art, and keep Best Allergy Sites up and running. In fact, my writing here has been sporadic at best compared to my early days when the boys were just toddlers. (Who would have thought I would have more time back then than now?)

However, I just can’t tear myself away from what has become such a wonderful community. I have met so many great friends through creating Best Allergy Sites and interacting with readers and other bloggers, I’m just not ready to let that go. So, going forward into 2015 my goal is to continue with Best Allergy Sites, but in a way that is new to me.

Best Allergy Sites Directory

I am removing the directory portion of the website. It’s a completely different website linked from this site and has become a lot of manage. It’s also not viewed as much as the main site here. I will still be covering new products and new businesses. Best Allergy Sites will still serve as a directory. Just in a much looser form. This will give me more time to do what I love which is to write!

Content and Contributions

I will continue to write and contribute to this site as much as I am able. Though you may notice a slight shift in my writing style. I’ve always tried to keep Best Allergy Sites informative and professional. My goal was always to bring food allergy information to those desperately looking for it. That is still my goal, however my own personal writing style has been dampened at times in trying to keep things here professional. Now don’t get all crazy. You won’t find anything racy here in the future. I just plan to be a little more free and true to myself in my writing. I “think” you will enjoy it. Or at least I hope you will.

I’m excited for the new year ahead. I’m excited that I’ve found a way to continue with Best Allergy Sites, to connect with all of you, and to do what I love which is to write and share information. I hope the new year brings you all that you wish and dream for. You are, after all, the captain of your own ship. Go out and sail it!