Green Living Blog

When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, we post the company's announcement as a public service. We do not endorse either the product or the company.

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Most of my time is spent living, writing, researching and advocating all things food allergy. However before Best Allergy Sites I was actively blogging at Green Peony–a green living blog.

I’m a huge fan of  living life a little lighter without going overboard. We have a television in our house, the kids have toys, and sometimes we eat food that’s not so great for us. We’re human. But each and every day I try to make choices that better our lives and the environment as well.

Best Allergy Sites has been keeping me so busy that I’ve been slacking off over at Green Peony. Now that the kids are in school full time (gasp!) I’m thrilled to be able to get back to writing about things I am passionate about aside from food allergies.

Green Peony is about great food, great products, great recipes, organic gardening and overall great green living.

There is overlap for us in living a green and allergen free lifestyle. Food allergies has forced us to find safe products that are often times all natural and made with organic ingredients or scent, dye and chemical free. Here at Best Allergy Sites we’ll still keep writing, educating, and advocating for food allergies–however at Green Peony we’ll take it a step further and discuss a whole other way of living healthier–food allergies aside.

So if organic gardening, recycled materials art making, all natural is your thing (even if you’re just dabbling your toes in it)–feel free to hang out at Green Peony too.

And if you are interested in contributing to Best Allergy Sites or Green Peony with an article or recipe send us an email. We love to hear from you.