Food Allergy Basics

Food Allergy Basics

When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, we post the company's announcement as a public service. We do not endorse either the product or the company.

If you are a staff or admin member of a school, daycare or camp; thank you for taking the time to learn more about food allergies.

Here you’ll find basic food allergy information as well as laws explaining your legal responsibilities. For other food allergy articles and news click on Food Allergy Information to be taken to our info page.

Click on each heading/title below and be sure to bookmark and share this page as it will be updated when new information and posts become available.


What is a Food Allergy or Food Intolerance?
A food allergy is defined as an immune system response whereas a food intolerance is typically a digestive response. Click on the above title to learn more.

Food Allergy Symptoms
There is some overlap between symptoms of a food allergic and food intolerance reaction. Click on the above title to learn the differences as well as the key symptoms of anaphylaxis.

Common Food Allergies
Common food allergies vary by country. Click on the above title to learn about the most common allergens in the US and other countries.

Allergy Facts and Statistics
Learn more about allergy facts and statistics from recent studies.

Unusual and Unexpected Sources of Peanut
Peanuts can be hidden in a variety of products. The above link will take you to a list of where you might be able to find hidden peanut protein.

Health and Action Plans
The above link will take you to a list of a variety of health and action plans for those with food allergies.

Food Allergy FAQ List
This list was drafted after numerous years of listening to food allergic children and their parents. Hopefully it will give you a larger perspective of what living with food allergies is like and what food allergic children need.

Legal Information and Web Sites
Mystic Valley Board of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) case
(case in which family won and received appropriate accommodations for their food allergic son)

Office of Civil Rights (section 504 page)

American with Disabilities Act of 1990, as Amended

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs in the School Nutrition Programs

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI):
Anaphylaxis in schools and other child care settings

National Association of School Nurses (NASN):
Anaphylaxis Awareness Campaign

US School Food Allergy Guidelines by State
Managing Life Threatening Food Allergies in Schools
(Massachusetts Guidelines)

Managing Life Threatening Food Allergies in Schools
(Connecticut Guidelines)

Supporting Children with Life Threatening Food Allergies
(Arizona Guidelines)

Managing Life Threatening Food Allergies in Schools
(Tennessee Guidelines)

Managing Life Threatening Food Allergies in Schools
(Ann Arbor, Michigan Guidelines)

Guidelines for Care of Students with Life Threatening Food Allergies
(Washington Guidelines)

Guidelines for Managing Life Threatening Food Allergies in Schools
(New Jersey Guidelines)

Food Allergy Guidelines
(Alexandria, Virginia)

Links and Guidelines: Canada
Medic Alert: No Child Without

Toronto District School Board Anaphylaxis Procedures

Anaphylaxis Policy/Protocols and Guidelines
Toronto Catholic District School Board