Support FAAN Walk & Receive Free Advertising

Best Allergy Sites is participating in the 2010 Boston FAAN Walk Towards a Cure.

We need your help to raise funds for food allergy education and awareness, so we’ve decided to offer an incentive.

Anyone who makes a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to our team, will receive a free shared rotating ad on our site through the end of September 2010–when the walk is completed. Ads will be clickable/linked to your site.

This is a great opportunity for food allergy businesses to advertise on our site and on our FAAN team members/walkers pages.

If you are an individual donor or blogger–we are happy to post an ad to your blog or a message/dedication to or for a loved one.

If you make a donation now–you will receive nearly 8 months of advertising.

What you need to do:
Click on Best Allergy Sites FAAN Walk Team and click on the name of the team member you would like to make your donation to. Follow the instructions.

Email admin (at) bestallergysites (dot) com with a 300 by 100 pixel ad to be added to our website.

Some things to remember (Rules and Regulations):
Donations must be made to team Best Allergy Sites and not to another FAAN Walk Team.

Please make sure to let us know who you are as a donor so we can verify that you’ve made a donation.

Companies, blogs and ads should be tasteful. You do not have to be a food allergy related company but we will not accept spam ads/links/sites that are distasteful or questionable. If you are unsure–email us with a link to your site first. We reserve the right to refuse ads and your donation will not be refunded.

Ads are “shared” rotating ads placed in the sidebar of Best Allergy Sites. This means that several ads will share one spot and will rotate equally. The ads will be on all sidebars of our site including our front page. Ads will link to your website.

Upon donation verification, we will try to upload your ad within 24 hours. Please be patient–it may take a littler longer.

Please consider donating more than $25. If there are numerous donations–we will divide the ads into 2 groups based on donation amount. Remember, it is for a good cause.

If you have any questions feel free to email admin (at) bestallergysites (dot) com

Thank you for helping to raise funds for food allergy awareness and a cure!