Egg Allergy

Egg Allergy

My daughter has an egg allergy, but seems to tolerate baked goods containing egg just fine. Should we avoid them anyways?

An egg allergy is one of those allergies that can be confusing. Some individuals are allergic to egg in all shapes and forms, while others may only be allergic to pure egg.

Many allergists believe that if you are not suffering from any symptoms and are not showing signs of any reaction, you can safely eat a food even if tests show that you are allergic. This is also the case with baked goods containing eggs.

It is believed that high heat and long cooking alters the proteins of the egg and therefore some egg allergic individuals are not allergic or show no reactions to such foods.

If your daughter has an egg allergy, but seems to tolerate baked goods containing egg without reaction – discuss this with your allergist. He/She may tell you to slowly introduce baked products into your daughters diet.


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