Dad Makes Toast Sculptures For Daughter With Food Allergies

Dad Makes Toast Sculptures For Daughter With Food Allergies

Food allergies has inspired a loving father to get creative with the most important meal of the day.

Adam Perry, a father of two from Essex, UK, has a nine year old daughter with severe allergies to dairy, eggs, and nuts. To keep breakfast interesting, he has been making toast sculptures for his daugher everyday for the last few months, and hopes to keep it going for a year.

A photo posted by Adam Perry (@2slicesoftoast) on

The toast sculptures are made with two slices of toast, and his tool box includes a scalpel, blue tack, golden syrup for glue, cocktail sticks, cutters and a brush to sweep away any crumbs.

A photo posted by Adam Perry (@2slicesoftoast) on

All of Adam Perry’s creations are documented daily on his Instagram account named 2slicesoftoast.