A Food Allergy Cure Is Possible #InOnly10Years

A Food Allergy Cure Is Possible #InOnly10Years

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A few months ago I was fortunate enough to participate in a round table discussion with other parents of children with food allergies about what it is like to live with food allergies. It was in support of The Sick Kids Hospital Foundation initiative to cure food allergies, because #InOnly10Years, SickKids hopes to have a cure. SickKids, with the support of Kraft Peanut Butter, is working towards a cure for food allergies. So that kids can go back to worrying about just kid things.

As a mother of a child with multiple food allergies that include dairy, eggs, peanuts and tree nuts, living with food allergies has made a significant impact on the way my family lives. I’m hopeful for the day when we can all go out to a restaurant and eat whatever we want on the menu. I’m hopeful for the day when I can happily register my child into sports programs without needing to stress about him feeling excluded when the team celebrates with pizza, ice cream or donuts. I’m hopeful for the day when concepts like cross-contamination, epinephrine autoinjectors and skin prick tests are a distant memory. Could all of this be possible in only 10 years? I’m hopeful …

Visit InOnly10Years.com to find out more about what SickKids and Kraft Peanut Butter are doing to cure food allergies, and how you can help!


I’m shown in a short clip on InOnly10Years.com talking about how washing hands AFTER eating can help keep children with food allergies safe.