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For your information: Collector’s Edition of Allergic Living

On behalf of our friends at Allergic Living magazine, just a reminder that tomorrow – Friday, March 12 – is the cutoff date to get the magazine’s Collector’s Edition 5th Anniversary issue as part of a new subscription.

The issue’s theme is of high interest: “The Future of Allergies”. Allergic Living’s journalists investigate not just one, but several new therapies for food allergies and celiac disease being developed by world-leading researchers. The future looks bright!

To sign up for an Allergic Living subscription, simply go to and click the “Subscribe/Renew” tab.

Note: If you have an up-to-date subscription with the magazine, you will receive this special issue. If you received a renewal notice: the same cutoff date applies.

AL’s media release

Future of Allergies

– the Therapies Are Coming

In May 2005, Allergic Living magazine published its inaugural issue. Now this spring, Canada’s magazine dedicated to lifestyle and health news coverage of allergies will turn 5 years old.

To mark the occasion, Allergic Living’s Spring 2010 issue will be its 5th Anniversary Collector’s Edition. The theme is “The Future of Allergies,” looking 10 years ahead to find out where food allergy, celiac disease and environmental allergy research will be.

Allergic Living turns to its investigative team, who report from the front lines of research. The resulting articles show very good news ahead. There will be therapies for food allergies and celiac disease – and not just one. If all goes to plan, there should be pills, vaccines and immunotherapy. Considering avoidance is the only “treatment” at the moment – a therapy revolution is literally coming.

The Spring 2010 Allergic Living also features:

– New statistics on food allergies in North America.

– A celebration of the 5th anniversary of Ontario’s groundbreaking Sabrina’s Law – protecting students with anaphylaxis.

– Article on neurological disorders in kids and celiac disease.

– Fabulous Southwest cuisine recipes by Chef Simon. Free of top allergens and gluten.

– 5th Anniversary Allergy Contest: test your knowledge and win one of 4 copies of The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook by Cybele Pascal.

– Coverage of the 2010 AAAAI conference in New Orleans.

Those with allergies or celiac disease won’t want to miss this issue.

Direct inquiries to or 1-888-771-7747 (416-604-0110).


This post was passed on to us from Gwen Smith of Allergic Living Magazine

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