Prepare Now for Summer Allergies

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Prepare Now for Summer Allergies

Nothing is worse than trying to hide and ignore itchy eyes and a runny nose during a business meeting or picking up after kids with one hand holding a kleenex to your nose. Instead of dealing with these allergy side effects, consider these solutions. You don’t have to put up with allergies as long as you do the research and preparation you need before they hit.

Preparation is key
As winter comes to a close, start preparing for allergy season. The earlier you prepare, the less time you will have to spend nursing a runny nose and congested nasal passage. Also, if you begin taking medication before the heavy allergy season hits, you may have a stronger immune system to deal with the pollen counts when they come.

Medication Can Be Preventative
Allergy medications such as antihistamines and nasal sprays can actually build your body’s tolerance to pollen and other allergens. If you begin using these products just before the allergy season comes in full force, you can significantly decrease the severity of your symptoms. Nasal sprays such as Nasacort, Clarinex, or Flonase are all examples of good nasal sprays that can be used as a preventative measure for allergies.

Don’t Overlook the Eyes
Some people with allergies only get affected in the eyes and then wonder what the source of their woes could be. Chances are, they have allergies and don’t realize it. Super dry, itchy eyes can causes the sufferer to rub them. Rubbing eyes can cause serious damage especially for contact wearers. If your eyes are bothering you, check with your doctor for a prescription eyedrops, or try an over-the-counter medication such as Clarinex.

Diet Can Help
Certain adjustments in your diet can help hay fever sufferers. Dairy can often add to the mucus in the sinuses, so by cutting out dairy, you can help clear your passages. Adding hone can sometimes help by adding small doses of pollen and building up allergy resistance over time. An overall healthy diet full of vitamins is always a great way to cut down on inflammation and symptoms associated with allergies as well.

Cleaning Counts
Cleaning yourself and your house on an even more frequent basis can also help to fight allergies. Pollen from the air gets stuck in your hair and then gets transferred to fabrics in your house. Clean sheets, carpets, rugs, and clothes more often and you’ll see a difference in your allergy symptoms. Also, clean out your nose. Use saline solution on a regular basis to make sure that allergens aren’t getting stuck in your nasal passages to wreck havoc on your sinuses.

Keep Windows Closed
If you can, keep your windows closed. You’re doing so much work to keep your body and your house clean, there’s no point in letting in all of the pollen from outside just to start up your allergies all over again. Acting on these measure before the dust and pollens saturate the air is key. Preparing yourself for allergy season by cleaning house and fortifying your tolerance against allergens with the appropriate medication can significantly reduce the power of allergies over your life.

Guest author Talia Brown is a freelance blogger, who writes about health testing and what you should know about health conditions and the tests available for diagnosis.
