Kids and Allergies

Kids and Allergies

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Food Allergy

Food allergy is the major cause of all diagnosed as well as undiagnosed symptoms in children. Of course, some kids are possible to be allergic to almost anything they breathe, eat, touch or drink. Allergies to peanuts, pollen, or perfume can impair any part of the body, producing mild symptoms like sneezing or coughing to more severe autoimmune disorders such as wheezing or Celiac disease. Some kids also suffer from sinusitis due to allergic reaction, and if left untreated, it can lead to asthma.

Allergies are known to occur during the early stages in life as a result of nutritional deficiencies, such as shortage of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and certain minerals. An allergy to grapes may also be the result of a reaction to pesticide residues on the grapes rather than a reaction to grapes itself. Nutritional self-defense can begin with eating sufficient amount of organic products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as low-fat proteins. Also eating food rich in beta-carotene such as broccoli, cabbage, kiwi and citrus strengthens the mucous membranes. Foods such as apples and onions reduce inflammation that causes sinus pain and congestion.

Allergy From Toxins

The culprits accountable for allergies in kids are countless – starting from the genetic inheritance to environmental toxins. Some researchers chalk it up to accumulated toxins in the body, including heavy metals from the atmosphere. But the most common reason of all, is the sensitivity of the immune system to defend against these allergy causing substances. Even over consumption of certain foods and ingredients, such as milk, citrus, eggs, soy and wheat causes problems. If your kid has a wheat sensitivity, he or she may experience anything from headaches, nausea to bloating and itching with every bit of the toast.

Seasonal Allergy

Seasonal allergies start without warning, so kids who never had allergies before may develop them. The symptoms of seasonal allergy usually disappear when they reach adulthood. This type of allergy is easy to identify as the symptoms return around the same month of the year, the time when they are exposed to allergens.

What Are Allergens?

Allergens enter the body through various spots such as mucous membranes of the nose. They are absorbed by the intestinal tract through the skin. An unhealthy body which may result in a poor immune system can trigger allergies, the reason why kids with poor eating habit are more susceptible than adults. Sometimes allergies are the side effect of yeast infection due to the lengthy regimen of antibiotics or other medications. In fact various combinations – food, antibiotics, asthma- make allergies more worse.

Treatment For Allergies

Eliminating foods and ingredients that kids are allergic to can improve their mood and condition. Dairy products, peanuts and wheat are especially problematic for many children under the age of 12. Sometimes seasonal allergies are responsible for cold and cough like symptoms that appear from time to time. These are caused when the spores get released to the atmosphere and pollen particles get filled in the air to fertilize vegetation. Although decongestants and nasal sprays bring temporary relief to these symptoms, the best way to do is to avoid allergens in the first place, by keeping windows closed and staying indoors. Kids with allergies should not be treated with antibiotics for a prolonged period as antibiotics are linked to the increase in body’s sensitivity to allergens.

Author Bio

Sara is an active nanny as well as an active freelance writer. She is a frequent contributor of Learn more about her at