Food Allergy Twitter Party Summary

Friday night the allergy community partied hard, and learned some great holiday tips, at the Allergic Living Holidays with Food Allergies and Celiac Twitter Party.

Panel members Gwen Smith @AllergicLiving, Chef Simon Clarke @ChefSimonC, and Susan Clemens @gotepi; offered up some great advice and tips for making holiday eating a little more fun.

Party attendees won great prizes from sponsors Allergic Living Magazine, Allergies and Me, Fancypants Bakery, Navan Foods, Solutions to Savor, Sweet Alexis, and Kinnikinnick Foods.

Some of our party tweets and tips:
ChefSimonC: Homemade marshmallows are easy and #gfree try this

ChefSimonC: Use wild/brown rice stuffing instead of bread. Lots fresh herbs spec sage, small dice cel, carrot, onion. Turkeytastic.

ChefSimonC: #gfree pastry tip, always roll out between sheets of waxed paper, invert into pan, press in and shape edges.

gotepi: No inflight rxn but worry ++ bring lots of wipes, eat only your own food. Wipe down everything–preboard

gotepi: During holidays we keep a designated driver for allergy awareness…can’t let everyone get too happy!

gotepi: Canadian Food Inspection Agency has more teeth than FDA. Can issue alerts. In USA companies recall or write own alerts.

AllergicLiving: Hols Tip: Make your relatives aware your child never eats without epi on hand. This drives home the seriousness of #foodallergy.

AllergicLiving: Tip re family (it works): if problem pops up w/ food, stay focused on that and avoid dragging other issues into the situation.

AllergicLiving: Airlines – remember to check our updated chart –

GF_Insider: we always vacation in a place with a kitchen…cheaper and reduces stress level.

MarylandCeliac: @bellaeast When I was undiagnosed with celiac, docs kept saying maybe you have lyme. funny b/c celiac is more common.

chupieandjsmama: Gluten free/wheat free play dough can be found here too:

cravingsavings: @AllergicLiving We deal mostly with “that surely doesn’t contain any nuts!” comments. I just read labels & point out warnings.

Thank you to all who attended, our party sponsors, panel members and Allergic Living Magazine for a great event!

Keep an eye out for details and an invitation to the next Allergy Allies event: Gluten Free with General Mills