Dealing With Seasonal Allergies

Dealing With Seasonal Allergies

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Whether it is Spring, Summer Winter or Fall; seasonal allergies can pop up at any time.

According to The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, “Approximately 40 million Americans have indoor/outdoor allergies as their primary allergy. The most common indoor/outdoor allergy triggers are: tree, grass and weed pollen; mold spores; dust mite and cockroach allergen; and, cat, dog and rodent dander.”

Here are some tips on dealing with your own seasonal allergies:

Know What You Are Allergic To

Do you know what you are allergic to? If not, it might be hard to treat your symptoms. There are numerous tree and grass pollens that come out at specific times of the year. You may or may not need to take medication all season long. If you are unsure of what you are allergic to, you might want to consider allergy testing through an allergist.

Treat Your Symptoms Before They Start

If you know what you are allergic to or know that each April you start sniffling, it’s helpful to start your medication routine 2-3 weeks before you normally start experiencing symptoms. Some medications take a while to work. If you wait until the first sniffles and sneezes, it may take longer for your medication to kick in.

Try Different Medications

If you are finding that your current medications are no longer working for you, consult with your allergist. Some individuals get used to a specific medications over time and find that their current treatment no longer works for them. You may need to up your dose or try a new medication all together.

Stay Indoors

Check the pollen report in your area and stay indoors (with the windows closed) on high pollen count days.

Consider Treatment

If you are dealing with seasonal allergies more than six months out of the year or you are completely miserable even with medication, you may want to speak with your allergist about allergy shots. Treatment can take up to five years, but the results are typically nearly lifelong.