Common Allergy Symptoms

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An allergy is simply where your body is highly sensitive to a certain allergen. Allergens can be animals, foods, dust, the sun, or a variety of other things. Because each person is completely unique, their allergy and strength of the allergy will vary from person to person as well. Here we will focus on the most common symptoms of an allergy, allergy symptoms treatment, and any other allergy medical advice.

There are a variety of allergy symptoms because each reaction truly depends on the specific body part being affected and the severity of the reaction. Allergic reactions can be very life threatening so knowing what can set off an allergic reaction can prevent it from happening in the first place. There are three basic states of allergy symptoms (based on their severity); mild, moderate, and severe.

Some mild allergy symptoms include: slight skin irritation (rash or itchiness), stuffy or runny nose, and bloodshot or watery eyes. These symptoms can be treated with simple over the counter medications. If you are unsure about a medication or need allergy medical advice from your doctor, then call them and they will answer your questions as well as recommend an appropriate medication.

Skin irritants can vary from those who are highly sensitive to the sun, to an exposure to an animal. The runny nose and watery eyes are generally caused by the mucous membranes becoming irritated by things such as dust, dander, specific particles in the air (perhaps food particles or even pollen), and many other things.

Moderate allergy symptoms can include localised swelling (as from a bee sting), headache, coughing (inhaling an allergen), hives (from skin contact), or even things such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. The gastrointestinal symptoms will likely be caused by ingesting some sort of allergen. If a person were mildly allergic to milk and ingested some, then those symptoms would be expected.

Severe reactions are those that lead to possible anaphylactic shock. Such reactions can be caused by a multitude of allergens such as bee stings, specific food allergies (like peanuts), latex, mold, and more. Anaphylaxis is a fast and serious allergic response. Generally it is characterised by swelling, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and lowered blood pressure. If it is severe a person can go into shock and die. Many people who have severe allergies carry around an epi pen, but if one isn’t nearby then getting the person to the hospital immediately is crucial.

As you can see there are a wide variety of allergies and just as many symptoms that can signify an allergic reaction. Being aware of the most common symptoms is vital in recognising the onset of a reaction. Not only can you speed up the recovery process by recognising these signs, but you could potentially save a life!