Category: Food Allergy News and Updates
Following are updates and news from the food allergy community. This area includes allergy friendly events, company press releases, as well as product recall information.
No brand German Frikadellen recalled due to undeclared gluten and wheat
No brand German Frikadellen recalled due to undeclared gluten and wheat.
The recalled product has been sold in Alberta.
World Variety Produce, Inc. Voluntarily Recalls Select Lots of Melissa’s Dutch Red Potatoes with Dijon Mustard Sauce Because it Contains Undeclared Egg Allergens
People with an allergy or severe sensitivity to Egg run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume this ingredient. The ...
Viana brand Veggie Cevapcici recalled due to undeclared almond
The affected product is being recalled from the marketplace because it contains almond which is not declared on the label.
The recalled product has be ...
Viana brand Veggie Cevapcici recalled due to undeclared almond
The affected product is being recalled from the marketplace because it contains almond which is not declared on the label.
The recalled product has be ...
M&M Food Market brand Prime Rib Beef Burgers recalled due to undeclared gluten and wheat
M&M Food Market brand Prime Rib Beef Burgers recalled due to undeclared gluten and wheat.
The recalled product has been sold in Ontario, Nova Scot ...
Nature’s Intent brand Dark Chocolate Enrobed Pineapples recalled due to undeclared milk
Nature's Intent brand Dark Chocolate Enrobed Pineapples recalled due to undeclared milk.
The recalled product has been sold in Alberta and Ontario.
Mrakovic Fine Foods brand Natural Chicken Burger recalled due to undeclared egg
Mrakovic Fine Foods brand Natural Chicken Burger recalled due to undeclared egg.
The recalled product has been sold in Ontario.
Food Recall Warning (Allergen) – Cache Cuisine brand Pro-licious Protein Pancake & Waffle Mix recalled due to improperly undeclared milk
The affected product is being recalled from the marketplace because it contains milk which is improperly declared on the label.
The recalled product ...
Food Recall Warning (Allergen) – Cache Cuisine brand Pro-licious Protein Pancake & Waffle Mix recalled due to improperly undeclared milk
The affected product is being recalled from the marketplace because it contains milk which is improperly declared on the label.
The recalled product ...