Happy Anniversary Best Allergy Sites

Many of you don’t know, but Best Allergy Sites launched online approximately 1 year ago this month!

While the idea had been brewing in my head for years, I never knew what format it would take or how to get all the great food allergy and gluten free information out to those who really wanted it and need it.

I’ve learned a lot this past year about and from our readers, the food allergy community, all the great allergy friendly foods, businesses and products among others who have been so supportive and giving.

There is SO much out there for food allergy and celiac sufferers, and at Best Allergy Sites this is just the beginning.

In the next year we hope to offer you:

More newsletters (sign up in our side bar)

More product/company information and reviews

More interviews

More product deals

More giveaways

More up to date news

Some special surprises

And just plain more!

As always, we rely on and appreciate your feedback. If there is something you would like to see, send us an email at ruth (at) bestallergysites (dot) com

We really do love to hear from you and respond to all emails. Well-except for spam! ;)

Thank you for all of your support!

Ruth LovettSmith