BAS Poll: Food Allergies and Hot Lunch


We brown bag it to school every day. Now that my food allergic son is in the first grade he would like to (on occasion) buy the school hot lunch.

Last year he bought lunch one or two times and there were minor issues with each. Even though he should be able to participate in the school hot lunch program by law; the effort of dealing with multiple food allergies, reading labels, and last minute menu changes leaves me apprehensive. Add to that the fact that many food allergic deaths take place in schools-and it just doesn’t seem worth it.

This is the constant struggle I find myself in with managing food allergies, safety, and inclusion.

We’d like to know: does your food allergic child buy hot lunch?

Click here to follow a link to our forum poll and feel free to comment as to why you do or do not let your child buy school lunch.

If you wish not to comment you can also use the same poll below.
