BAS Interviews: Christina Henry of Fiddledee IDs

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Christina Henry

Company Name:
Fiddledee IDs


Personal Bio:
I am a “mompreneur”. One of the many moms who stopped working to stay at home, only to hear the call to start their own businesses! My background was in Internet advertising and I have always had a passion for making jewelry. After my son was dx with a severe peanut allergy, I married them together with this niche online business.

My boys are 6 and 9, they are the light of my life! I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 31, after going through treatment for almost 2 years I am in remission and strongly support the breast cancer cause.

Favorite color, animal, food, place to go, quote:
Pink (of course!), guacamole, favorite vacation spot is San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Your allergies/family allergies:
My sweet 9 year old son has a severe peanut allergy. (and penicillin)

What was your introduction into the world of food allergies/allergies?
My oldest was 14 months old when he had a severe reaction to peanut butter. It was his first taste and his face swelled up, very scary. I was a new mom and luckily my neighbor educated me on what was going on.

When did you start your business? What was the final push that made you do so?
I started this business in 2005 after trying to find my son a trendy leather medical id bracelet. Not too large for a small wrist, I couldn’t find the perfect one! I took some jewelry classes and with my Internet advertising knowledge, I opened up shop!

What person, organization, or website has been the most influential to date?
FAAN has been so educational for me, their resources are amazing!

Final thoughts?
It is my hope that by the time my son goes to college a treatment will exist and he will be able to negotiate the world safely on his own. (I can’t imagine my little boy being that old!) I also want other people to understand his allergy and support us as we try to keep him safe!