Food Allergy Blog Carnival Issue 4

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Welcome to the Best Allergy Sites Blog Carnival
April/May 2010 edition

With all that was going on with Food Allergy Awareness Week and the Asthma Allergy Foundation of America (New England Chapter) Fundraiser, we are a bit behind on our blog carnival. Better late than never right?

Following are food allergy and gluten free related posts submitted to the Best Allergy Sites Blog Carnival for April and May. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did!

Fred Lee presents Springtime Allergies and Children posted at Parenting Squad.

squawkfox presents How to Cook Quinoa (with tasty quinoa recipes) posted at squawkfox, saying, “Allergic to gluten? Then try quinoa in place of wheat-based foods. Your stomach will thank you.”

Colette Martin presents Five Things You Can Do to Support Allergy Awareness Month posted at Learning to Eat Allergy Free – Multiple Food Allergies, saying, “Colette Martin shares some suggestions on what you can do to support Allergy Awareness Month.”

Kate Punivai presents The Rise and Rise of Allergies posted at The Life and Times of an Ordinary Girl, saying, “Getting on my soapbox over allergies, and why the medical profession doesn’t seem to have any answers.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Best Allergy Sites Blog Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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