Top 5 Foods to Help Fight Seasonal Allergies

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There’s an enormous amount of people in the United States of America that suffer from seasonal allergies every year. In fact, over 55 percent of Americans are afflicted with allergy symptoms. Most of these people get the brunt of their allergy symptoms in the Spring time. The good news is that there are foods that nature provides that can help to alleviate allergy symptoms. We will explore the top 5 foods that will help you to suffer a little less this allergy season.

Plums are a great source of antioxidants which help to curtail inflammation in the human body. These little fruits contain more than 33 milligrams of antioxidants in each one. Since inflammation is the major cause of those pesky symptoms, reducing inflammation makes you feel better.

Salmon’s orange color is a great indicator of just how good it is for the body. This fish is packed with Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega-3 is a super food of sorts that is packed full of antioxidants. Eating salmon will help get rid of sneezing, watery eyes and congestion caused by your allergies.

Spices & Herbs
There are two spices that do a particularly good job of helping you cope with your allergies. Tumeric and Ginger have been used in countries like India for centuries to fight allergies. Today, it works as well as it did back then. The root of Tumeric is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is another herb that has been shown to fight allergies. A study was published in 2006 by the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” that showed Ginger helps to reduce inflammation in allergy sufferers.

Whole Grains & Nuts
Nuts and whole grains also have great antioxidant properties. Once peanuts are roasted, the antioxidant in this nut are increased by more than 20 percent. Fiber has been shown to move “bad” bacteria through the body which causes food allergies to appear. Fiber is readily available in whole grain foods. Whole grains also keep “good” bacteria in your body to properly digest foods.

Probiotics, which are also called healthy or “good” bacteria, boost the immune system helping to fight infections. The University of Maryland Medical Center conducted a study which concluded that Probiotics improve gastrointestinal health in people with food allergies. There are a quite a few food that contain Probiotics such as:

• Miso
• Dark Chocolate
• Pickles
• Tempeh
• Sauerkraut

With so many Americans suffering from allergies every year, there is no reason to continue this cycle. Incorporate these foods into your diet to help fend off the seasonal allergy attack and stay healthy in the process.

Author Bio: Matt is a health fanatic that made his passion for natural health and finance into a career of helping people in the Sunshine State navigate Florida health insurance. He enjoys spreading his healthy living knowledge through the written word.
