10 Questions You Should Be Asking About Allergies But Probably Aren’t

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Too often when people get allergies they grab whatever medication they can find and start taking that, and if it doesn’t work they try another one instead of actually asking questions and doing some research to learn how to manage and control their allergies.

Here are ten questions you should ask about allergies but probably aren’t:

1. What is really causing my allergies? Many people automatically assume that their allergies are caused by one thing or another without really figuring out what is really causing their allergies.

2. What is the best treatment to help me manage my allergies specifically? There are literally hundreds of medications and supplements that you can take for allergies, and just grabbing whatever is available is not the best solution.

3. Do I have another health condition that is making my allergies worse? If you also have a cold, a nose blockage, or one of many other issues, your allergies may be worse and you will need to fix any other health conditions you may have before your allergies will go away.

4. Am I allergic to any food? Even if you think that your allergies are seasonal and related to the outdoors, food allergies are related to outdoor allergies and you may be allergic to foods. Common allergens in food include: wheat, milk, soy, corn, and nuts.

5. What food or foods am I allergic to? This can be tricky to figure out since in many cases you will need to undergo an allergy test from a doctor or allergy specialist in order to figure it out. However, you can try eliminating the common foods that cause allergens one at a time and see what happens as well.

6. Do I really need allergy shots? Allergy shots can be helpful for some people but they can also be costly and depending upon your personal needs, they may not work as well as you would like.

7. Are prescription or over the counter medications really the solution? Lots of people use these first then they probably should look into other options.

8. Have you tried chiropractic? Even though people think of chiropractic as the solution to back and knee pain and headaches, chiropractors can help more with allergies than people realize.

9. Have you tried acupuncture? Acupuncturists can help a lot with allergies as well. While you may still need some supplements or other medications, the healing process for allergies can be greatly accelerated with acupuncture.

10. What have a tried that worked or that didn’t work? Keeping a journal of everything you have done to help manage and control your allergies, can be very helpful in the process of elimination of your allergies.

Learn more about how to live allergy free at http://annalaurabrown.com
